We made a couple things this week we wanted to share. One was a double batch of cranberry sauce. We have made two batches before, but we have been having it with Sunday breakfast every week, so we figured we might want to double down on a batch. We put this round in pint jars. It made six, but we lost one in the canner, it burst when it hit the boiling water. Teach us to can during a "Polar Vortex".
We tried a new thing as well. Cupcake cut the label off a can of condensed milk to make caramel over the weekend, and on the back was a recipe for home made butter pecan ice cream. The recipe was simple, and only four ingredients that we had on hand, so we whipped (see what I did there?) up a batch.
Roasted two cups of pecans, in cast iron, of course |
Two cups of heavy whipping cream |
Whipped until firm |
One can of sweet condensed milk, mix in pecans and three tablespoons of melted butter |
Fold heavy cream into pecan/milk mixture, pour into freezer safe container |
Place in freezer for five hours, enjoy |
With home made ice cream, one really needs a home made blackberry cobbler to put it on. So Big Man had a big meal waiting for Cupcake when she got home Monday evening. Smoked brisket, roasted potatoes, fresh collards, canned turnips and a blackberry cobbler. All from the pantry, the hard work over the summer is paying off. We are blessed here at The Acre.
Remember in earlier posts, we predicted a harsh winter??
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