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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Let's Get Small

Rhulenbarb will probably get the reference? But seriously, we have a short update this week. Both Big Man and Cupcake have fought off the first cold of the season this week, so the week went by kind of quick.
On a cold recovery note, nothing is better than chicken noodle soup, and it just so happened we had a lot of chicken meat left over from the smoked chicken roaster from last week. Big Man put it to good use.
And you really need a few home made dinner rolls to go along with your soup.
We found this recipe for honey glazed rolls, and they really turned out well. We will be making these again soon.
We found a pack of chicken wings during the week, so we moved chicken wing day to Wednesday, it has a W kind of ring to it anyway. We thought the spicy sauce might help sweat the cold out of us. It sure didn't hurt any.
We started our smelly pot of seasonal smells this week. We started putting a pot of oranges, cloves and cranberries on the stove.
On a humor note, we share Fraidy Mutt.
Every Saturday we fix buttermilk pancakes, and the first six small ones we make to season the griddle. We always keep them for the dog, and she looks forward to Saturday as much as we do. Now on Saturday mornings we ask her "what day is it?" and she goes nuts. This Saturday we noticed she was standing at the entrance to the kitchen, drooling and licking her lips, so we shot a quick video of her.
We are gearing up for the biggest eating day of the year. And y'all know we eat pretty good around The Acre to start with, so next update will probably be food related.
Fried turkey and corn pudding to come.

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