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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Well, We Movin on Up

We moved on up in the garden department this week. Baked some cake and pizza, and added to the zombie prep with meat and potatoes.
First off, we baked another apple cake.

We found some of our favorite apples this week, and we had another bag of black walnuts cracked out. 
 We made another home made pizza this week. This one was simple, and probably the best one yet. Pineapple ham pizza. We started out with from scratch dough...
Then rolled it out over the cast iron pizza pan (if you're not cooking with cast iron, why not?)
Add toppings along with our home made pizza sauce and bake

And we grilled up some salmon fillets one night. We used Cupcake's herb garden for rosemary, oregano and basil.
Our next big meal was Thor's day smoked meat. Back to ribs this week, with fresh from the garden cheesy potatoes and corn bread in bacon grease (again, in cast iron).

And as promised, we made another batch of mustard this week. We could not find the dark Spaten beer we wanted to use (thanks Kroger, for discontinue) so we went Scottish. It rocks the mustard.

One last food related item, dead eye Jake put down a nine point buck this week. So expect some canned deer meat pics in next weeks blog. But for now, we have tenderloin gravy and eggs, which is the tradition around The Acre the weekend after a kill.

Thin sliced tenderloin with homemade butter (in cast iron)

Tenderloin and fresh from the chicken butt, eggs (in cast iron)
And the "moving on up" part of the title, we expanded the garden for next spring. There was a large flat area of the side yard that we kept mowed, and it looks pretty from the road and all, but you can't eat grass. So we've decided to let the strawberries overtake the old garden, turn it into a fruit orchard, and move the garden proper to the flat part. Pop's came over and did the ground breaking Saturday, after we dug his potatoes.
It's pretty, but ya can't eat it

We have easily doubled the size of our garden, and we are planning on even more canned goodies next year. Bring on the zombies, we're ready to hold out until Sgt. Abraham makes it to the "big brains" in DC to end the apocalypse.
This past week was also our one year wedding anniversary, and to celebrate, we ended our years long tradition of chicken wing Sunday with Rhulenbarb sausage dip Sunday.

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