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Friday, November 28, 2014

Triple Digits for Thanksgiving

This update marks our 100th post, since we moved life events from the Facebook news feed to a private blog. We appreciate the five regular followers keeping up with our goings on.
This will be a Thanksgiving food update. We are so blessed here at The Acre, fixing too much food is a problem not a lot of people have these days, and it's a fact not lost on us.
We start out with Cupcake's favorite dish, corn pudding.
The next favorite dish, sweet potato casserole
And real home made mac n cheese, not store bought Stouffer's with cheese sprinkled on top before you bake it. Don't laugh, people do it and call it home made (I laugh too when I hear about it)
There has to be deviled eggs, and we are fortunate enough to have fresh from the chicken butt eggs. They really make a difference.

And of course, pumpkin pie. From scratch, we even used the jar of canned pumpkin from our patch this season.
And fresh eggs

Big Man's from scratch pie crust

Big Man whipped up some mashed potatoes, fresh dug from Pops garden, and made in cast iron pots.

Fresh home made cranberry sauce

And the main course, fried turkey. Cupcake won't have it any other way now.

There is a cast iron skillet of dressing behind the bird. Kattie Grace made that for us this year.
We're looking forward to many nights of leftovers.

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