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Sunday, October 23, 2016

All Food This Week

This weeks pictures are all about food. Nothing much went on outside of the house this week. We had a visit from "The Beamer" who drove down from Cincinnati to break bread with us and get his visit on with the local peeps. We feel his pain on trying to get to see everyone on a short visit, and were honored he found time for us. We tried to make it worth his while.
Starting off we smoked a brisket.
We smoked a whole brisket and a pork shoulder. We promised "Dr. Puddin" a pork BBQ after the colonoscopy, and we like to do what we say we will do, so that happened too.
And we were itching to try one of our fresh sweet potatoes. We wrapped it up in foil and baked it for almost three hours. It was an awful big potato.

Then we made a mac-n-cheese. And not "crazy granny" mac-n-cheese from the frozen food section of Wal-Mart and add cheese to it, no sir. All from scratch is how we roll.
Then a skillet of corn bread, and not the "Jiffy" from a box. Scratch
Buttermilk pie for dessert.
We had a big wind come through Friday and Saturday, that blew most of the apples off of our tree below the big deck. We picked up a bucket full and Cupcake made her soon to be world famous apple sauce. It made six pints of apple sauce, and we had enough for a second cook. We made apple butter with the leftover apples.
And Sunday morning, Cupcake made mention that we always sign off with wings on Sunday evening, but we hardly ever mention our Sunday morning breakfast.
Scratch made biscuits
Sausage gravy

Scrambled eggs, brisket, onion and peppers
And we did prep for next week's Thor's day red meat offerings. We found a large package of beef ribs at Wade's last week. We peeled the membrane off the back of the ribs before we rubbed it down and let it set until Thor's Day.

The ribs are resting in the fridge, tune in next week for smoking results.
We ended the week with wings.

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