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Sunday, October 9, 2016

New Additions

It's a short update this week. Lawman had his half century checkup with a camera this week, so three days were devoted to all things surgical. Then "The Flash" and "Arrow" debuted their season premiers this week. Colonoscopy prep actually got juggled around so as to not be on the potty during the premier of The Flash. Priorities people.
Lawman also learned that it is in poor taste to tape a copy of the photographs of one's colon to the refrigerator. Who knew? Back when Lawman was a part of the Norther District TPU "Dream Team", Maxwell Valentine Fry III left a copy of his on the cubical for almost a year. Times change we reckon.
Anyway, after the nurd shows and recovery we have a very few pictures to post this week.
First we had a surprise this week. Lawman was recovering from being knocked out, and went for a short walk around the south 40. When he headed back to the house he came upon one of the adult guinea birds with a family of keets trailing behind her. We noticed that the two guinea hens were taking turns staying outside of the coop de ville at nights, but we chalked it up to every animal on the place being nuts, so we don't really notice anymore. Apparently they were taking turns on a nest. We were unaware that guinea birds would lay eggs this late in the season, much less hatch a nest full. We have only seen the littles one time, so we're not sure how this is going to play out. Updates as they become available.

On a food related note, Cupcake asked for a dish of Lawman's mac-n-cheese one night for dinner.
No "Crazy Granny" buy in a box and add cheese and call it homemade here. This is all from scratch.
Add a skillet full of scratch made cornbread, a pot of pinto beans and some fried porkchops, and you have a pretty decent meal on your hands.
We are gearing down the garden and that included the herbs on the porch. Cupcake harvested most of the basil and oregano and started it to dry. We left a little to pick off of until the freeze gets it, because fresh herbs just can't be beat.
Our seed fetish continues. We've had to break out the chicken bin to spread the marigold seeds out in for a proper drying. Cardboard boxes were just not getting the job done.
And last this week, we got a lot of rain. Our friends to the south were dealing with a hurricane so we won't try to compare rainfall, but it did keep us inside two whole days.
We thought that after so much rain we would be able to pull the carrots from the ground with ease, but mother nature had other ideas about that. So we will wait until the ground dries a bit, then dig all our root crops at once. Sounds like a good topic for next weeks update.
We ended the week with wings.


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