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Sunday, May 7, 2023

Berry Busy

 We had a pretty busy week this week. Come the weekend, we were invited to a celebration for a young lady who just got her doctorate. We hobnobbed for a couple of hours, it was nice to get out. We don't get out much. 

Cupcake got her first strawberry from our planter out back.

A second baby chick hatched, so we have two now.
We've been waiting to get the rest of the garden in, and we caught a break in rain and mowing. We got both gardens planted, with beans making up most of the garden at the house.

The barn garden we got our tomatoes in. Only 200 or so plants this year, we tried to scale back a little.

Besides tomatoes, we got in our jalapeno peppers, egg plant and some asparagus that we started a couple of months ago. 
We ended the week with a long nap and some ibuprofen.

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