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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Eye, Zombie

 Lawman had a mishap this week. We'll give you a moment to digest that.....

One night, when taking the DT's on their pre-bedtime run, a gnat flew into Lawman's eye. He thought he got it out, and went on with is nightly routine. He did not get it out, apparently.

So Cupcake, as is tradition, drove him to the Med-Express to get it doctored on. 
While he was healing up, he still had to mow the cemetery and our yard, then till out the garden so as to keep on top of the weeds and whatnot.

We caught a picture of Augustus as he's about to enter the speed force.

We bought a bunch of whipping cream on the cheap a week or so ago, and we noticed that the use by date was past, so we whipped up three batches of butter and froze it.

And what's fresh butter without homemade english muffins to put it on?

We ended the week with a couple of naps, and Cupcake's soon to be world famous lasagna.
Next week we are going to have a huge announcement to make. As 45 would say..."YUUUGE"
Tune in same Bat time/Same Bat channel.

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