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Sunday, May 14, 2023


 We have an annual tradition of the biker boys from the People's Republic driving down and spending a day at The Acre. This week was that week. Lawman adopted the ST look and wore his bear hat for the commemorative photograph. JBMC has yet to bow to social pressure.

The big hit each year is always carrot cake. We like to give the people what they want.

ST shared his idea of BBQ sammich makings.
Other stuff going on this week. We had to keep the garden going, now that we've got it in. Hauling water was this weeks big job.
And there is always trying to stay on top of the weeds. 

And, we have a new visitor. We've not yet lost any birds, but Lawman has someone to outsmart now. He says it's personal now.

After the boys rolled out Sunday morning, we grabbed a quick nap and then had a Mother's Day dinner with The Girl and boy-in-law. 


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