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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Fall, Food and Fruit

It rained most of this week around The Acre. Big Man managed to get his mowing in, but it was an adventure. We've started to let the garden go, weeds and crab grass are less annoying than it was in past weeks. This time of year, the fall decorating stuff is starting to come in. We pulled a little of our Indian corn and it is very vibrant this year.
It's going to be colorful around The Acre soon.
We did another batch of pickles this week. We picked another basket full of cucumbers between rain drops, and sliced them up for their crock bath Saturday.

The slices made twenty five more pints of pickles. That takes us up to 134 pints, with four more vines of lemon cucumbers yet to come in.
Speaking of lemons, our lemon trees we started are still coming along.

Big Man always has dinner ready for Cupcake when she gets home from work, and there are only so many nights you can smoke meat or fry squash, so this week we tried something new. Big Man whipped up a batch of pizza dough, then made two calzones. We stuffed them with our home made pizza sauce, ham, mushrooms, peppers and cheese. They turned out really well, and we have a new dish to throw into the dinner rotation.

And for the fruit portion of our post, we took a fresh bottle of bourbon and made a quart of raspberry infused bourbon. We found a recipe on Facebook, and we like bourbon. Our guests seem to like a more fruitier brand of refreshment so we made this for visitors to The Acre. We like to stick to bourbon, neat.

We ended our week with chicken wing Sunday.

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