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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Gadgets, Grapes and Greens

Gadgets, Grapes and Greens. That's what's been happening around The Acre this week. First was gadgets. We got a bag of The Green Arrow's coffee in the first wine club shipment from Stephen Amell, but it was whole bean. We tried using a blender to chop the beans up, but we got inconsistent grinds, some like powder, some chunks.
Cupcake and I both worked at Kroger in our earlier lives, and we remembered they had a coffee grinder in the coffee isle, so we schlepped the coffee to town with us, only to find Kroger had done away with the grinder. So, Cupcake being the research specialist she is, did a search and found this little gem online. It's suppose to be the bees knees in the coffee grinder world.
 We ground up about a half of a batch, and mixed it with half of Deathwish Coffee. Straight Deathwish is akin to a syringe full of adrenalin, so we like to cut it back a little with a mix. Makes it last longer too. Cupcake even polished up the cowboy coffee pot for the occasion.

Our second entry this week is grapes. Our grape vines are only three years old, and last year we got one bunch of grapes off of it. This season we got about five bunches. Not enough to make jelly or wine with yet, so Cupcake fed them to the Big Man while he was lying on the couch, head in her lap. Big Man was OK with this usage of grapes.
We had a rain delay one day this week, so Big Man was trapped in the house. Instead of taking a nap he went out to the garden and picked a bushel or so of collards, and canned them. It made 16 pints, which will come in handy this winter.
They will be good with smoked meat, which is a thing here, as our two loyal readers  can probably tell you.
This was a seven pound roaster, we smoked up on the rainy day. We got a main meal, the big man used about half of the leftover meat for chicken salad for Cupcake's lunches over the week, and we gave pop the other half. Nothing goes to waste here if we can help it.
Speaking of, we had a half carton of heavy cream left over from our Sunday biscuits, so we whipped up a batch of home made butter for the week.
And we ended it as we always do, with chicken wing Sunday.

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