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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ice and Pickles

This week, Big Man was called out by "Elvis" Perron to do the ALS ice water challenge that's going around Facebook. Not only did he do it, but he did it double. He had two buckets of ice water because he's been cold, and this wasn't it. You can check the video out here

We picked another huge batch of cucumbers this week. The yellow cucumbers are coming in so we made another batch of "them yellow pickles". Twenty four more pints, which takes us up to 109 total this season. We may have overdone it just a little, but the season of giving is approaching, so, it's all good.

We are still getting squash, collards and corn from the garden. Big Man whipped up some Kimmie Crack for dinner one night, along with grilled corn on the cob.

Believe it or not, we are still getting strawberries too.
And the potatoes show no signs of dying off just yet....
The Indian corn and broom corn Cupcake planted has really done well this year, should be a very decorative fall around The Acre.
And speaking of fall of the year, we still have smoker meat visiting the apple tree out back. They seem intent on eating our pie filling before we can make it.
And on a chicken related exit, we moved the two lavender chicks to the coop this weekend. We have named them "Dumb and Dumber", since they seem to have issues with simple chicken related things. But they appear to be thriving in their new home.
We had a package of their cousins for chicken wing Sunday.

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