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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lucky Me

I just wanted to share a brief thought with all my "you don't know how lucky you are" friends. Just over seven years ago, Dorie Greene carjacked a couple at gun point, and I was in the right place at the right time to intercept and stop him. During our encounter, he managed to break both my knees, but I was so jacked up on adrenalin I did not realize I was hurt.
Seven years later, I am reminded how lucky I am. Today my left knee buckled, like it's prone to do if I do not place my foot just right. Only today, it buckled on stairs. So I took a trip on the "assholes and elbows" roller coaster straight to the bottom of a muddy, rocky, sudden stop.
I recently had someone tell me I didn't know how lucky I was to have the life I live. I am lucky, I managed to survive 25 years in a dangerous job.
I did retire twenty or so years before most people. I was able to build the log home I always wanted to live in, and I found a woman who was willing to share her life with a broken man.
I'm lucky enough to live in constant pain, but I do not let it rule my life. There are many of my brothers and sisters who stood a post who wish they had knees to hurt, so I try not to complain.
I am lucky enough to have Anne Arundel County give me all the Vicodin I want for free, but I refuse to take it. If I'm going to have a three day hangover, it's gonna be from Knob Creek, not an opiate.
  I do have to make a conscious effort with every step I take to plant my foot in such a way that my knees do not buckle. Think about that for just a moment. Every single step you take each day, imagine having to be aware of it.
I will lay here and bleed, then wait to swell up and ache while you ponder.
Just K today

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