This week we had a snow event. And there's nothing like a little snow on the ground to make one think about a big ol batch of deer chili.
Lawman started with slicing up the deer meat into bite size chunks and tossing them into the cook pot.
Then it was time for all the other meat. When we have a bit of this, bit of that, we freeze it to save for chili meat. It's kind of like our Christmas jam, only with spice. And meat. Even after freezing for months, the brisket was tender enough to cut with a butter knife.
Sixteen pizzas are in the cabinet now, probably get us through till next year. If not, we can always make more.
While Lawman was whipping up the sauce, he baked Cupcake a batch of choco chip cookies.
And you can't have cookies, or any dessert for that matter, without a fresh batch of boiled custard.We always have wings on Sunday, and after we eat, we take the trash off to get rid of the chicken blood and bones. The Dudley Twins always look forward to a ride to the dumpsters.If weather permits, we stop off at the family cemetery and let them run and jump and play. There are usually a few deer in the field for them to sprint after.
Before we went for a ride, we had wings. And a nap.
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