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Sunday, December 6, 2020

We're Ready

 Thanksgiving leftovers have just been cleared out of the fridge, and we are all ready for the fatman to arrive. The "other" fatman.

We put the tree up last Sunday. Cupcake has been working for a couple of weeks on wrapping presents. The chirruns decorated the tree. It was a team effort.

Tuesday was the Dudley Twin's birthday. Chewy sent them a birthday box. They were very excited.

We couldn't find birthday hats for them. We will be better prepared next birthday.
Besides holiday excitement, we had personal excitement this week too. The slacker birds gave us our first egg. We started the spring with three dozen layers and three dozen ducks. We are down to less than two dozen layers now, and one dozen ducks (who forgot how to lay eggs, we might add).
Work this week involved working up the deer we put down last week. We chilled the hams and backstrap in the cooler for almost a week. When the water stopped being red, Lawman prepped the hams for smoking and the backstrap and tenderloin for breakfast fixings.

Then he cut out one pack of tenderloin for Sunday gravy.

It's Cupcake's favorite.
"The Boy" requested pizza for dinner one night, so we used up our last jar of pie sauce. Next week will bring a new pizza sauce cook/can.

The local Food City has a pretty good seafood section. Last week we had oysters from there, this week we had fried scallops for dinner one night.
We ended the week with wings. And a nap.

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