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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Brutal Cold?

This past week the Facebook feed has been flush with all things cold. The lamestream news label the cold as "Polar Vortex" and "Brutal Cold". When I was stationed in Colorado with the 4th Infantry Division, we were an arctic warfare, rapid deployment force. So we called weather like this "Tuesday". Big Man has been cold before, and this aint it.
But we did see a bit of snow this past week, Chirruns got a little time off from school, and the wild life activity has picked up around The Acre.
The egg ladies were not impressed once again with the snow
But it sure is pretty to see coming down

And as we always do, when it snows, Big Man smoked some meat. This week it was half a pork loin wrapped in bacon. It was the best loin to date.
And we tried a new DIY project (if you can imagine that) home made butter. It was simple to make, but took about fifteen minutes in the mixer. We started with a quart of room temperature heavy whipping cream and a mixer with a stir attachment.
We turned the mixer on the lowest setting and let it run. It took about fifteen minutes on low, then all at once it changed to butter. I asked Pop's about this, and he said in the old days when he churned butter at home, it did the same thing, so we chalked this up to normal and moved on.
Working smarter instead of harder, Big Man poured the mixture into a towel, and squeezed the buttermilk from the butter, and saved the milk for biscuits on Sunday morning.

Once again we will say it, home made is way better than store bought. It works much better when we fried eggs and roasted pecans, and it's awful tasty on biscuits, made with the home made buttermilk. We don't waste much here at The Acre. And in the spirit of not wasting, while Big Man made butter, Cupcake repaired Deadshot's blanket.
We also made another batch of butter pecan ice cream
And we experimented with home made croutons with left over bread.
We ended the week with "Chicken Wing Sunday" as is our tradition.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

DIY and Snow

This week we got our first real snow, it only amounted to a couple of inches, but it still counts. Building up to the snow, we did a new DIY project, and made a new recipe, but most of the week was old favorite meals in the comfort food category. It's winter people, it's what you're supposed to do.
First off, our DIY project. Home made fabric softener. We learned that plain white vinegar is just as or more effective a fabric softener than store bought. We thought we would be going out in public smelling like a feminine hygiene product, so Big Man tried plain vinegar on a load of his own clothes first. There was no residual vinegar smell what so ever. We used plain white vinegar for most of the week, but decided we wanted to add a little scent to our wash. We bought a couple bottles of hair conditioner from Wal-Mart. The conditioner cost less than a dollar and added a nice apple smell to the mix. We figure our home made conditioner cost 1/4 of the price of Downy. It's a keeper here at The Acre.
When the snow forecast came in, Big Man whipped up a batch of "Energy bars" he found a recipe for on one of our prep-er blogs we follow. The recipe was simple, peanut butter, oats, flax seeds, chocolate chips and honey. Toss it in a mixer and then spoon it out into balls. It's a healthy snack that we enjoyed.


Our snow came Friday night, Saturday morning our new birds first snow. They were not impressed, and wouldn't even come out of the coop until Big Man shoveled a path for them.

Wild birds still getting a few sunflower seeds

  Big Man spent the week in the kitchen, and the meals turned out pretty well this week. It's a hobby we both enjoy.
Monday, home made lasagna and fresh baked bread

Tuesday, home grown greens, scallop potatoes and raspberry cobbler

And a smoked chicken

Wednesday was smoked ribs, slow cooked bake beans and deep dish apple pie

Thursday, home made chicken pot pie (leftover smoked chicken)

Friday was date night, so Big Man took a day off from the kitchen, but Saturday we made home made butter pecan ice cream and a peach cobbler from the canned peaches in the pantry. We ended the week with "Chicken Wing Sunday" as always.

Monday, January 13, 2014

All Food All Weekend

This weekend we spent either cooking or eating. It was a good weekend. We were proud of Deadshot, who wanted to get in on the act. We like to think the kitchen bug has bitten her.
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She asked to bake a batch of cookies, and they turned out really well. We think she's a chip off the ol cookie.
Fresh eggs make everything better

Deadshot working the rolling pin

She elected to go with deer shaped cookies, we eat some deer around here
While Deadshot was whipping up her cookies, Cupcake made a batch of home made pretzels. Big man loves him some pretzels.
Home made, hand rolled. YUM!!

She also tried a new recipe that was a big hit. Home made chocolate chip cookie pie, in cast iron, of course. It was quick and easy, and home made ice cream to top was a special treat this weekend.

And of course the Big Man tinkered around in the kitchen as well. We had about half of a brisket left from last weeks smoke, so he whipped up a huge pot of veggie beef soup and canned it. He also made another batch of laundry detergent, we gave a batch to Pops, who reported good results as well.

We ended the weekend with "Chicken Wing Sunday" as always. Hope everyone has a great week, since the forecast includes snow, we know we will.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

More DIY

We made a couple things this week we wanted to share. One was a double batch of cranberry sauce. We have made two batches before, but we have been having it with Sunday breakfast every week, so we figured we might want to double down on a batch. We put this round in pint jars. It made six, but we lost one in the canner, it burst when it hit the boiling water. Teach us to can during a "Polar Vortex".

We tried a new thing as well. Cupcake cut the label off a can of condensed milk to make caramel over the weekend, and on the back was a recipe for home made butter pecan ice cream. The recipe was simple, and only four ingredients that we had on hand, so we whipped (see what I did there?) up a batch.
Roasted two cups of pecans, in cast iron, of course

Two cups of heavy whipping cream

Whipped until firm

One can of sweet condensed milk, mix in pecans and three tablespoons of melted butter

Fold heavy cream into pecan/milk mixture, pour into freezer safe container

Place in freezer for five hours, enjoy
With home made ice cream, one really needs a home made blackberry cobbler to put it on. So Big Man had a big meal waiting for Cupcake when she got home Monday evening. Smoked brisket, roasted potatoes, fresh collards, canned turnips and a blackberry cobbler. All from the pantry, the hard work over the summer is paying off. We are blessed here at The Acre.

Remember in earlier posts, we predicted a harsh winter??

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Follow Up to Laundry, and Recycling

We thought we would share a few "action" pictures of the home made laundry detergent from last post. We were lucky enough to have Speedy out in the woods while we were making the batch. He came home with a butt full of ground in mud. And Big Man had a towel with dried blood from shaving. Both stains were knocked out with just a spoon full of our detergent.

And for an added test, Big Man steam mopped the floors Friday, this is the mop cover before and after a wash in the new stuff.

So we decided to make another batch, Pops wants to try the stuff anyway.

And on a related topic in a Sheldon way of thinking, we hit on recycling last post. We do recycle just about everything we can here at The Acre. This is a shot of the recycle center
Plastic, metal and glass goes to the recycle bin. Junk mail, cardboard boxes and paper towels go into the plastic garbage can, and ends up in the burn hole. Food scraps go in the chicken run, so we really don't have anything going into the dumpsters/landfill.
We even recycle our coffee grounds and egg shells. We dry the egg shells, then break them up into small pieces and keep them in a bag. We add the grounds and shell fragments to the garden as fertilizer.

And we added to our decor at The Acre this weekend. While we were out we found a couple of bottles of wine to add to our kitchen. We don't drink the stuff, but when we find something that reminds us of The Acre, we buy it and display it. Plus ya never know when the Perron's will stop in for a visit.

The two new bottles are below. One is for Speedy, the other is in honor of Big Man's new In-Laws and their pet name for him.
Stay Classy Steve and Cookie.....