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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Denephew Weekend

Henry stayed with Pop over the weekend, and when Henry comes to visit, we always enjoy cooking for the lad. Mostly because he eats more than both of us put together. We have no idea where he puts it, but we love it when people come over and enjoy a meal.
We started with Friday night baked burritos and ended with Sunday morning biscuits and gravy.
Scrambled eggs with ketchup and jalapeno peppers

Hamburgers with guacamole

Baked Burritos

Grill S'mores? Yes please
Prior to Henry arriving, we went old school on the grill and had steaks with sweet potatoes for dinner one night.
The weather called for rain most of the weekend, so we took our sweet potato slips and planted them in the garden. Then it didn't rain, so....

We did our official one week hive inspection this week. We found an empty hive. No comb, no dead bees, nada. Something went wrong so our time as bee owners was brief. We had two more packages of bees on order, but they had been three weeks coming. Lawman called the business (a business one might look for supplies for their tractor) and they informed us they shipped on May 8th. Then they looked into the shipping tracker, and found the bees were "damaged" during shipment. He asked for replacement packages but apparently it's too late in the season and they were sold out of bees.
Somebody didn't want us in the bee business apparently. Maybe next year?
A few stragglers around the lemongrass is all that was left
Our ducks and chicks have began doing their bug sweeps away from the slanty shanty. The ducks are much smarter than chickens, so far we are very pleased with their progress.
Earlier in the month, one of our relatives made a donation to the family cemetery for gas to keep it mowed. We thought that was a very nice gesture, so we baked them a buttermilk pie to say thank you.
We normally end our week with wings, but being a holiday weekend, we decided to catch a Sunday viewing of "Deadpool 2" at the drive in. So we ended the week with the worlds best hotdogs and caramel apples.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Summer of Kattie

This week marks the end of the easy part of "The Girl's" life and the start of the rest of it. She graduated Auburn High this weekend. We are all very proud of her.

"They spelled my name wrong" The Girl
It rained all week, so we couldn't do much more than watch it rain. We did make another batch of deodorant while we were stuck inside.
We added to our geek cred by turning the executive washroom into the "Bat Bath"
We checked on the bees just before the rain started, and found the girls had started building comb on the roof of the hive. We're not sure if the follower board was not in place or if we left too many of them between the bars and roof when we did the install. We brushed them off and tried again.

On a food note this week, we started our cheese cake baking. The family reunion is coming up next month, so we want to have a good handle on the recipe.
We normally end the week with wings, but this week we took The Girl and her feller (and The Boy) for graduation dinner celebration Sunday night. We still ordered wings, but it wasn't Lawman's sauce, so...

Sunday, May 13, 2018

It's Official

We are in the bee bidness. Our neighbor Zach turned us on to the bee guy we got this package from and he even went so far as to pick our package up for us and bring it by the house. Which was a good thing, because Lawman was really REALLY under the weather Sunday morning.
A couple of guys Lawman worked with in the People's Republic were traveling through the area, and stopped off at The Acre for a bite to eat and to have a sleep over. Lawman was up late, drinking adult beverages and overdid it a bit. Bee package day was a challenge, but a lawman rises to meet his challenges, so the bees were installed and our fingers were crossed.
We kept them inside until we were ready to install

Then found a shady spot while we readied the hive

One of the guests at The Acre this weekend was a life long member of the US Army, and bless his heart, we found out he was a frustrated country boy at heart. Small things like hummingbird watching and feeding chickens fascinated him.

Early in the week, we were honored by another visitor to The Acre. "The Beamer" was in town for his Alma-mater graduation. He and Lawman had lunch Monday, then Tuesday morning he stopped by to take some eggs off of our hands. He tried some of Lawman's chocolate pie, and approved.
Before the weekend arrived, Cupcake took most of the week off so we could tackle a couple of projects we've been putting off. The first one was new shelves in the basement for our canning jars.

Now we have plenty of room to get those cases of canned goods on the shelf and out of the basement floor. So we will just have to can more stuff.
We had some luck mushroom hunting, and fried up a batch for dinner one night.
We found a fresh flat of strawberries while Cupcake was off and used them to make a pie, then we froze the other half for later.

Cupcake made a big ol batch of her soon to be world famous snack mix for the boys.
We usually end the week with wings, but we fixed the wings Saturday night. Our pal Bob loved the sauce so much we gifted him a quart to take home with him. We thought he might want some extra when he offered to lick the bowl after the wings were gone.
We ended this week with a snack and an early bedtime, because we're not twenty any longer.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

I'm Batman!

We spent a whole lot of time trying to get pictures of hummingbirds this week. Either we need to add some Valium to the syrup mix or we need a faster camera. But this little guy jumped up and seemed to announce that he was, in fact, Batman.
We did manage to grab a couple of pretty good shots this week.
This little guy would make a three point flight all day. He went from our shade tree, to our feeder, to our weeping cherry tree, back to the shade tree......
Lawman had to make another batch of laundry detergent this week, because someone has a problem.

On the bee front, we learned from our neighbor that a local guy had packages of bees for sale. We already ordered two packages and had two hives ready for them. Lawman had started a third hive to tinker with when he had down time. After learning we could get another package, he went ahead and finished it up and placed the order for a third package. The third package is Italian bees, so we can compare the two types.
Cupcake had to work all day Monday into Monday night, so we made a pizza to pick up her spirits.

We went old school cooking one night and grilled hamburgers on the charcoal grill.
Guacamole? Yes please
And for dessert, we made grill smore's.

Then over the weekend, we had "The Girl's" prom and we put the majority of the garden out. Sunday we went mushroom hunting, and found the largest mushrooms we've ever found to date.
Then we made our coming week pie. We went back to chocolate pie, but we used whole wheat pie flour for our crust. We're excited to try this.

We wrap up this week's update with the new addition to the farm, cows.
And we end the week with wings.