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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Welcome to the Acre

We have two new additions to The Acre this week. Meet Augustus McCrea and Willow Rose.

About six months ago Fraidy Mutt passed on and we have been without an early warning system. On Dec 3 a litter of pups came into the world. Dec 3rd was Lawman's grandmother's birthday so we thought it was an omen it may be time to adopt.
Grandmother's name was Ruby Rose, and we were going to name the female dog after her, but we didn't want folks thinking we had a Batwoman fetish. No matter how much that may be the case.
So we named the female "Willow Rose" as a blending.
Augustus McCrea needs no introduction if you are a fan of the worlds greatest western ever filmed. If you're not, "Google it, Boot."
Gus picked us, he was the first to approach us and gave us a scratch with his paw. Willow had crazy eyes like Fraidy Mutt did, so it seemed like an easy choice.
We brought them home and got them settled in. At publication time all they've done is sleep and eat. We're sure our five or six regular followers will get tired of puppy pictures in the coming weeks. Sorry in advance.

Cupcake had one rule before we went to pick the pups up. "No dogs on the couch" and that rule lasted almost twelve hours.
Willow takes after the Lawman. Anyone familiar with him knows when he's trying to concentrate he adopts this posture.
One non dog related picture we have this week. We found two bluebirds living on the roof of the house. They fly down to the tree out front and peep in our bedroom window every day.
We fear it may be a few months before we end the week with a nap. We ended this week with potty training and a sandwich.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

White Pizza

Gather round, chirruns. Uncle Lawman is going to tell you a story about back in the day.
Back in the day, when Lawman was a wee lad in the big city, he was taken under the expert tutelage of Roland Gene Perry, AKA "The Guru." Guru has forgotten more about police work than most cops will ever know, but the one thing he taught for this weeks entry is "The Stuffed Shell."
The Stuffed Shell was on Mountain Road right at Longhill where the old Brickhouse Bar was Beefalo Bobs is in half of the building now.
Guru took his brand new rookie for dinner there one night, and the white pizza was recommended. Lawman had never heard of a white pizza so he was intrigued. One could smell the garlic before the pizza came out. The first bite was magical, a symphony of garlic and cheese that left a lasting impression on everyone who tried one. And even some people who never dared try it. Case in point was one evening after a slice or two, we caught a call of a child on his bike had been struck by a car. We responded and so did the night commander. When Capt. Mullholland stepped out of his car his only question to us was "who's been eating garlic?"
The shell closed nearly 30 years ago, and Lawman has been on a mission to find another pizza that would compare. Lawman found a recipe for a white pizza sauce and he tucked it away for later. This past week Cupcake was on another whirlwind adventure for HCA leaving Lawman to his own devices for nearly a week. This seemed like a perfect time to make the white pizza since she doesnt love garlic like Lawman does.
The recipe called for 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder. Lawman laughed and laughed. He ended up with nearly a cup of garlic powder in the mix before he spread it on the scratch made crust.
Finished product
Fresh grated parmesan cheese

Cream, butter, garlic powder

Scratch made crust

We had a bunch of fresh mushrooms that were getting close to going bad, so he sliced them up and added them to the pizza. Traditional white pizza is just cheese, but we hate to waste food, so....
Lawman lived off the pizza until Cupcake returned. Once she did, a request was made for a soon to be world famous cobbler

The one non food related picture we have for this week is still kind of food related. One of our brown runner ducks has started laying. Her eggs are just a bit smaller than older duck eggs, but we're looking forward to all six giving us an egg a day.
We ended the week with grilled cheese sammiches and a nap.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

More Oysters

This week Cupcake kept dropping hints that she wanted oysters for dinner again one night. Lawman does not need much prodding to find a reason to fry up a pint. It also gives him a reason to make his soon to be world famous cocktail sauce.
Lawman also had a recipe for a Philly Cheese Steak casserole he'd been carrying in the chamber for a few weeks. Surf and turf, Acre style.
There was no hinting that Cupcake wanted peach cobbler for dessert. So, she got peach cobbler.

The cobbler was a spur of the moment thing, so we didn't prep with icecream. Lucky for her, Lawman is a certified nurd, who just happens to have super hero icecream in the freezer.
Cupcake's last meal request this week was deer tenderloin gravy for breakfast.
Fried deer tenderloin

Breakfast gravy

Home made bacon

Home made peach jelly and home made apple sauce
Our last update this week is fruit tree progress. The peach trees we put in buckets last week have sprouted and look like a nursery of "Baby Groots" coming up.
We have tiny little limes on our lime tree, and a few blooms to boot. We think it would be neat to actually get a fresh lime from our own tree.

Fingers crossed.
We ended the week with wings. And a nap.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

So Soon?

We had a premature sprouting this week at The Acre. Back in the fall we rescued some peach pits and put them in the fridge to winter. Over the Christmas fridge cleaning out we discovered the pits had sprouted already. The plan was to keep them happy until spring and then let the warm sun sprout them before planting. We ordered some tree pots and bought some fresh potting soil and got them in the soil. We are keeping the pots in the living room until we can move them out on the deck this spring.

We made a gallon of laundry detergent this past week, but got it done without any pictures. So imagine four quarts of detergent below before we get to the food part.
The food part was kind of short this week, but we were really happy with the results. We started off with a recipe for a citrus pound cake. Cupcake found it on the faceplace and requested one for the new year.
Fresh lemon zest

Fresh orange zest

Then some fresh citrus juice for the glaze

It tasted as good as it looks
The "Outlaw" really loves him some pound cake, we guess he chose the wrong side when it comes to baked goods.
Cupcake made a request for oysters again this week. We saw some in the K-Rogers Saturday afternoon for half price. We knew they were about to expire so we picked up a cheap cup and fried them up as soon as we got them home for a snack.
And we ended the week with a deer roast, and a nap